Marbäcks Åsar

marbäcks åsar Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Logo design and poster for Marbäcks Åsar apartments in Ulricehamn, Sweden. Client ↓ Marbäck Församlingshem, Sweden Job title / position: Graphic Designer at Cortina & Käll Completion year: 2022 back to projects Instagram


Areca Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Brand strategy design: visual identity, logotype, and packaging design. Client ↓ Areca Tableware, Mexico Job title / position: Independent Graphic Designer Completion year: 2019 back to projects Instagram

Pleiadian Light Technique

Pleiadian Light Technique Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Logo design for Pleiadian Light Technique. Client ↓ Pleiadian Light Technique, Mexico Job title / position: Graphic Designer Completion year: 2018 back to projects Instagram

Engineering Seminar

ENGINEERING SEMINAR Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Visual Identity, logotype, and graphic campaign. Client ↓ Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico Job title / position: Graphic Designer Completion year: 2017 back to projects Instagram


VEGAHUSEN Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Logo design for Vegahusen retirement home in Gothenburg, Sweden. Client ↓ Trestiftelser, Sweden Job title / position: Graphic Designer at Cortina & Käll Completion year: 2020 back to projects Instagram


filo Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Brand identity, naming and logo for a paper design firm. Client ↓ Filo, Mexico Job title / position: Graphic Designer Collaboration with María Castellanos and Mariel Tapia Completion year: 2018 back to projects Instagram


Ölkompaniet Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Menu design for Ölkompaniet restaurants in Gothenburg, Sweden. Client ↓ Ölkompaniet, Sweden Job title / position: Graphic Designer at Cortina & Käll Completion year: 2022 back to projects Instagram

Taktvätt Östergötland

Taktvätt Östergötland Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Logotype and website design for Taktvätt Östergötland, Sweden. Client ↓ Taktvätt Östergötland, Sweden Job title / position: Independent Graphic Designer Completion year: 2022 To Website ➜ back to projects Instagram

Masala Kitchen

masala kitchen & bar Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Menus design for Masala Kitchen restaurants in Gothenburg, Sweden. Client ↓ Masala Familjen, Sweden Job title / position: Graphic Designer at Cortina & Käll Completion year: 2021 back to projects Instagram


skeppet Outcome ↓ Client ↓ Outcome ↓ Logo design for Skeppet restaurant in Gothenburg, Sweden. Client ↓ Trestiftelser, Sweden Job title / position: Graphic Designer at Cortina & Käll Completion year: 2020 back to projects Instagram