Graphic Design Services
Formkiosk specializes in creating visual identities, branding, websites, and editorial design.
Looking for new visual solutions for your business?
visual identity
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your brand's design
Company’s logo, design schemes and colors, typography, and other visual symbols used in internal and external messages.
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User interface
Design of on-screen graphic elements, responsive design and web development.
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from labels to product packaging
Concept design, mockups development and creation of the print-ready files for a product.
Marketing & advertising
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Graphic layouts
Advertisements, signs, restaurant menus, folders, booklets, presentations, +
visual identity
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your brand's design
Company’s logo, design schemes and colors, typography, and other visual symbols used in internal and external messages.
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User interface
Design of on-screen graphic elements, responsive design and web development.
Marketing & advertising
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Graphic layouts
Advertisements, signs, restaurant menus, folders, booklets, presentations, +
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from lables to product packaging
Concept design, mockups development and creation of the print-ready files for a product.
Child Culture Design Services
Looking for guidance to work with children in your business
and fulfill the requirements of
Looking for guidance to work with children in your business and fulfill the requirements of
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was made law in Sweden in 2020. This means that any business whose projects affect the youth, directly or indirectly, should include the kids’ participation as part of their processes and decision-making.
Formkiosk is a bridge between businesses and children by putting into practice the
*a tool predicting the impact of any proposed law, policy or budgetary allocation, which affects children and the enjoyment of their rights.
By customizing our services to the project’s needs and connecting the kids’ input, needs, and ideas into working briefs that businesses can understand and put into action.
methods design
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which Tools and methods to use, and how?
Toolbox development for businesses to include children’s active participation in their design processes to enhance outcomes.
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understanding the child culture
Interpretation and analysis of raw data, created by children, and gathered previously by the businesses.
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Why and How to work with and for children?
Customized talks and workshops for businesses to incorporate the goals of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into professional practices.
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new perspectives into achievable outcomes
Design, planning, and facilitation of workshops with kids according to the client’s needs.
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understanding the child culture
Interpretation and analysis of raw data, created by children, and gathered previously by the businesses.
methods design
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which Tools and methods to use, and how?
Toolbox development for businesses to include children’s active participation in their design processes to enhance outcomes.
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Why and How to work with and for children?
Customized talks and workshops for businesses to incorporate the goals of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into professional practices.
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new perspectives into achievable outcomes
Design, planning, and facilitation of workshops with kids according to the client’s needs.