Koja is a hut/cave/shelter, that enables the children to play with light, color and perception.
Create an immersive space that would encourage every child, especially introverted ones, to have a space they can claim as their own, a place where they can make discoveries, play with science, challenge their perception, learn, play and relax.
MFA Child Culture Design Master Programme – Gothenburg University
Job title / position: Child Culture Designer
Completion year: 2019
Footage of children playing with Koja in the workshop at Högskolan för Design och Konsthantverk (HDK)

Forts, dens and bush houses have been prevalent in children’s experience for many generations.
Found and built spaces are a nearly universal component of children’s landscape experience.
– David Sobel. Children’s Special Places
Koja mechanics are based on 2 physics phenomenons:
1. Local colors (actual color of an object) VS. Perceived colors (how we see the colors depending on external conditions such as colored light).
2. Objects’ color perception can be distorted by changing the color of a light source. This allows you to create optical illusions (appearance and disappearance).