One World at a Time
2nd place; awarded by EDINBA (National Institute of Fine Arts) at the 8TH BIENNIAL OF DESIGN 2015, Mexico.
A recognition to design as a professional and cultural contribution to social welfare, development and human capital.
Bachelor’s thesis project.
Interactive stories for an awareness campaign for 4-9 year old Mexican children.
Teach children about the challenges and barriers of disabilities as well as inclusion, social commitment and empathy values.
Reduce exclusion and the lack of information people have regarding disabilities.
APYRE and Universidad Iberoamericana (Ibero), Mexico
Job title / position: Strategic/Industrial Designer, researcher
Collaboration with Mariel Tapia, Alfredo Martínez and Adolfo Hernández
Completion year: 2015

“Tell me one world” reading booth for libraries

The game “Mob the Jello”, a story about ADHD
In Mexico, according to INEGI (2010), 5 million 740 thousand people present a disability, and the obstacles they suffer have a great impact in our society.

Characters and book covers for each “One World at a Time” story
The main characters, who had a specific disability, taught children about how they could understand and help them better, through empathy, problem solving and social commitment.

Kids testing the story “Mob the Jello”
Ellos son algunos de los ganadores de la 8va Bienal Nacional de Diseño.
— Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (@bellasartesinba) November 26, 2015